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Writer's pictureBilly

Post Lock-Down Information

Updated: Jul 2, 2020

As we prepare to open our doors after 14 weeks closed, we have a few updates around how the pub will need to comply to government guidelines. If you've got any questions about the information in this page, please email us at

  • We have been told that we must collect personal details about anyone visiting us. We work to meet the minimum requirement to support the track and trace effort and do not use them for any other reason. We have not yet received communication from the Government as to how the information will be collected.

  • We will only be offering paper menus to limit the cross-contamination of sharing them.

  • We still accept cash payments, but only at the bar. Card payments are preferred.

  • During busy times, we will be offering table service but can only accept card payments. Any cash orders must be placed at the bar.

  • We have been told that our customers can no longer drink at the bar.

  • We do not have a queuing system to get into the pub, but ask customers to find a seat while visiting us. 

  • If we are at capacity inside the pub and it starts to rain, we are unable to have guests come in. We know that it is a very difficult situation and apologise but it's critical that we comply with the guidelines to stay open. We recommend that all guests find a seat inside the pub to start with.

  • We are allowed to play music through our jukebox but the volume must be limited.

  • We are allowed to play sports through our TV's but the volume must be limited.

  • Our toilets are one-in, one-out in accordance with social distancing guidelines. We have installed a double-sided display card to make it clear when the toilets are in use.

  • We are unable to double-pour into the same glasses to avoid the risk of cross-contamination.

  • Our staff will have PPE available but it is their choice as to whether to wear it.

  • We will be open from 12:00 to 22:00 Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 00:00 on Friday and Saturday.

  • We are not allowed to use beer mats or provide straws because of the risk of transmission.

  • The brewery are currently dealing with incredible demand for product, as such, we may be out of stock for some items until things return to normal.

  • Children have always been welcome and continue to be welcome too, but they must adhere to social distancing guidelines of 1m+. We remind all parents that it is their responsibility to ensure children are compliant.

  • We ask all customers not to move furniture when visiting, it's been laid out with social distancing guidelines in mind.

Please bear in mind that the guidelines are constantly evolving and we are obliged to comply with them. We will share updates as the guidelines change.

In addition to the changes implemented by the government, we have had to take the decision to stop all bar tabs. We were hit very hard during lock down with bills still being paid and no income. We hope that you all understand the challenging position it's placed us in. We will offer a pre-paid tab system for large groups and parties when applicable.

We have also ordered some new tables for our garden to make the most of the summer, they are scheduled to arrive by July 10th.

Thank you all for your support throughout lock-down, local support and encouragement has been a pillar of strength to the team and I.

We look forward to welcoming you all from July 4th!




We will be doing our best to answer any questions below as they come up. Please email your questions to us at

  • Will there be a queuing system to get into the pub? We are not planning on implementing a queuing system at present, but may need to if we become very busy.

  • Will I have to book a table? No, we understand that The Anchor is a village pub so want to avoid restricting our customers to time slots. We may need to depending on demand.

  • Will you be serving food when you open? Yes, we will be serving a trimmed down version of our new menu. We will also be offering take away on our menu from Saturday.

  • Do I have to wear PPE to visit The Anchor? No, PPE is a personal choice for everyone. Our staff may wear PPE but it is their personal choice too.

  • Is the Quiz night still on Wednesdays? At the minute, we're not able to confirm when our Quiz will be coming back. The Government guidelines have limited live performances. We are working with QuestionOne to set a re-launch date as soon as possible.

  • Are you still offering food? Yes, we are offering a food menu which is cut back a little to ensure consistency and quality. We will be providing menus to everyone when they come in to The Anchor. We will be stopping our Sunday Lunch service for now, we will review the option of bringing it back during the Autumn/Winter months. We will still offer our new menu on Sundays though.

  • Will you be accepting cash? Yes, we will still be accepting cash payments but card payments (and contactless) are preferred to limit contact for our customers where possible. To promote contactless and card payments, we will be offering table service during busy times.

  • Will opening times be changing at all? No, we will be open Sunday to Thursday from 12:00 to 22:00 and Friday/Saturday from 12:00 to 00:00. We will be ringing the bell 15 minutes before for drinking up time and will be closing as advertised.

  • Why does the volume on the TV and Jukebox have to be limited? The guidelines are very clear on entertainment in pubs at the minute, the volume cannot be so loud as to cause someone to have to speak louder than normal (it should be background noise that you can comfortably talk over). We have lifted the wording from the guidelines below:

All venues should ensure that steps are taken to avoid people needing to unduly raise their voices to each other. This includes, but is not limited to, refraining from playing music or broadcasts that may encourage shouting, including if played at a volume that makes normal conversation difficult. This is because of the potential for increased risk of transmission, particularly from aerosol transmission. We will develop further guidance, based on scientific evidence, to enable these activities as soon as possible. You should take similar steps to prevent other close contact activities, such as communal dancing.
  • Is there any change in prices? No, although lock down was difficult for the business, we have made every attempt not to change pricing of our products. We are looking at ways to offer more value to our customers through promotions and deals as soon as possible too!

  • Do I have to be seated when I come to The Anchor now? Yes, you will need to find a table and be seated during your visit. We ask customers to take tables appropriate to the size of their party where possible.



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