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Writer's pictureBilly

Reopening Update

Merry Christmas to all of our customers, we hope you're getting ready to spend time with the people you love over the Christmas season!

We have been reading everything being published with the new Government restrictions recently to find a way to open The Anchor and celebrate with you all this month.

As you may already know, our area (Surrey) falls within the tier 2 restrictions, they're tough on us all and limit how much we can see people in the run up to Christmas. We've taken the below from the Spelthorne Borough Council's Facebook page.

Following the above, we could have only opened The Anchor as a restaurant. The guidelines ask us to serve food and then for customers to leave the premises, it's a horrible way to have to run a pub and not in the spirit of The Anchor at all.

After reviewing everything released so far, we've had to take the unfortunate decision to keep The Anchor closed until the restrictions are eased. It's not an easy decision but we must also think about the future and keeping The Anchor here for us all to share is critical in keeping, developing and flourishing somewhere for the community to share.

We will continue to track updates from the Government as they're reviewed and will keep you all updated if our situation changes.

Oh behalf of us and our whole team, we wish everyone in the village, as well as everyone you love and hold dear a very happy and fun Christmas season, it'll be a very different experience this year but being together for Christmases to come is more important putting the people we all love at risk.



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